Point Of Contact


Point of Contact is about making one understand that we are in the middle of a constant spiritual battle, and God is real, but our enemy is also real. Satan uses words, thoughts and a full counterfeit arsenal of powers, which all bring forth darkness through lies. Knowing his evil strategies and how he can or cannot control one’s thought process, mind and actions is useful to recognize that certain things come from darkness and are deceitful.

We are then presented with the reality of God, the sovereign God made known to us in three persons: God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. His protection, His armor, His words and the multitude of gifts and promises He has made to anyone who believes in Him through Jesus – as no one can get to God the Father without accepting and having Jesus in their lives – ensure that we can truly defeat the enemy no matter what.

Point of Contact reminds us of the true identity we have as followers of Christ, as sons and daughters of the Most High God. It is essential to know your identity before you can use the power and authority given to you by grace to defeat all the plans of the enemy – the devil. There is also a bold reminder of how a sinful life would hinder the blessings and the true essence of Christian life, and we are told to recognize all those sins, to repent and keep the walk of faith in the ways led by Jesus.

God was in the beginning, and He remains until the end – which is eternity. Eternal life is a gift you can receive, and it doesn’t come by works or self-effort. Be blessed while reading Point of Contact and may Jesus enlighten your heart and mind to be in contact with Him continuously!



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